Sims 4: Get Famous introduces a new career — acting. It's an active career, meaning you go with your Sim to work, and it comes with the 10-level acting skill. Reaching the top of this career could take awhile, given the nature of the tasks; going to set, running lines, building skills specific to roles. Maxing out skills the old-fashioned way takes a lot of time and fast-forwarding. So if you want to experience the career, and the fame that comes with it, cheats are the best way to do so. This is also updated to include the Style Influencer career that came with the November 2018 update.
How to use Sims 4 Cheats
Double check cheats are enabled in your game. Press control +shift + c (command on Mac). In the text field, type testingcheats true (or testingcheats on ). While you're there, may as well add bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement to unlock all special career objects and rewards regardless of your chosen path.
Sims 4 Career Cheats
First, you have to choose a career. Do so by heading over to the phone or computer to find a job. Select the entry level position you want. The following cheats are promotion-based, so if you want to climb the ladder all the way, keep pasting the code into the command box. You may be prompted to stop and choose a specific branch within the career, so look for a specific notification. Demoting Sims from their current position works the same way,just replace the world 'promote' with 'demote.'
Actor: careers.promote actor
Influencer: careers.promote influencer
Drama Club: careers.promote dramaclub
Astronaut: careers.promote astronaut
Athlete: careers.promote athletic
Business: careers.promote business
Criminal: careers.promote criminal
Critic: careers.promote adult_critic
Culinary: careers.promote culinary
Detective: careers.promote detective
Doctor: careers.promote doctor
Entertainer: careers.promote entertainer
Gardener: careers.promote adult_gardener
Painter: careers.promote painter
Politics: careers.promote activist
Scientist: careers.promote scientist
Scout: careers.promote scout
Secret Agent: careers.promote secret agent
Social Media: careers.promote socialmedia
Tech Guru: careers.promote techguru
Writer: careers.promote writer
Anything we missed? Sound off in the comments.
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