Fame | Benny Snell net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Benny Snell? When is Benny Snell's birthday? Where is Benny Snell born? Where did Benny Snell grow up from? What's Benny Snell's age?

Benny Snell Born: February 27, 1998 (age 25years), Columbus, Ohio, United States

How about Benny Snell's receiv_yard?

Benny Snell Receiv_yard: 114

How about Benny Snell's parents?

Benny Snell Parents: Ben Snell Sr., April Snell

How about Benny Snell's education?

Benny Snell Education: University of Kentucky (20162018), Westerville Central High School

How about Benny Snell's team?

Benny Snell Team: Pittsburgh Steelers (#24 / Running back)

How tall is Benny Snell in meters or centimeters?

Benny Snell Height: 1.78m

How about Benny Snell's picked date?

Benny Snell Picked date: May 2019 (Pittsburgh Steelers), 2016 (Kentucky Wildcats football)

What happened to Benny Snell Jr?

Snell remains on the free agent market well after the NFL Draft. The 25-year-old took a step back on the depth chart last season, being demoted for Jaylen Warren.

What is Benny Snell salary?

Snell remains on the free agent market well after the NFL Draft. The 25-year-old took a step back on the depth chart last season, being demoted for Jaylen Warren.

How old is Benny Snell Jr?

Snell remains on the free agent market well after the NFL Draft. The 25-year-old took a step back on the depth chart last season, being demoted for Jaylen Warren.

Did Benny Snell go to the NFL?

Snell remains on the free agent market well after the NFL Draft. The 25-year-old took a step back on the depth chart last season, being demoted for Jaylen Warren.
